e-Περιοδικό Επιστήμης & Τεχνολογίας


Contents/Περιεχόμενα        issue/τεύχος: 2, volume/τόμος: 6, year/έτος: 2011

page/σελίδα  1-17                

[full paper]

Shailesh Mishra,  S.U. Siddiqui

A Mathematical Model for Flow and Diffusion through Stenotic Capillary-Tissue Exchange System



page/σελίδα  19-32           

[full paper]

Παρασκευή Α. Θεοφίλου

Η συμβολή των κοινωνικών επιστημών στην αξιολόγηση της σχετιζόμενης με την υγεία ποιότητας ζωής

page/σελίδα  33-45           

[full paper]

Girish N. Patel, R. B. Patel, H. R. Patel

Formulation and in-vitro evaluation of microbially triggered colon specific drug delivery using sesbania gum

page/σελίδα  47-56           

[full paper]

Jagadeesh Thati and  Fazal Noorbasha

Crane Forwarder-Control Algorithm for Automatic Extension of Prismatic Link


page/σελίδα  57-64          

[full paper]

Achiniotis G, Evaggelinou Chr, Noussios G, Natsis C, Koidou R

The effect of an individual muscle strengthening program and dietary assessment in the quality of life in women with osteoporotic hip fracture



page/σελίδα  65-76          

[full paper]

E.S. Pateras

Measurements of Progressive addition lenses with interferometry



page/σελίδα  77-93          

[full paper]

Amit Medhavi,  U. K. Singh and Ajai S. Yadav

Peristaltic Induced Flow of a Particulate Suspension in a Non-uniform Tube



page/σελίδα  95-99       

[full paper]

Akhilesh V Singh

Evaluation and optimization of Combined gum mixture as matrix former biomaterial in Drug Delivery


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